The Cheverus Catholic School in Malden held its annual gala at Anthony’s Function facility last week. This combination fundraiser and awards ceremony honored outstanding staff members. The Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Award was presented to Thomas P. Arria, Jr. He has served the Cheverus School as principal for over 20 years and is now taking his retirement. Also included in the evening’s festivities was a new award, the Dianne Dingolo Award, which was presented to Rhonda Young.
The Cheverus School class officers: Representative Laila Jolie-Paul, President Roodler Sime, VP An Nguyen, Treasurer Lauren Donnat, Secretary Nahima Bourdeau, Representative Fatima Liveros and Anthony Nalen. Shown with the students is Father Alejandro Lopez Cardinale.Thomas P. Arria (left) – recipient of the Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Award – served the Cheverus Catholic School as Principal (now retired) for over 20 years; he is shown with current Principal Jeffery Lane.The recipient of the 1st Dianne Dingolo Award, Rhonda Young (second from left), is shown with Lisa Bruning, Rachael Bruning and Gianna Gullage.Ready for a terrific evening: Ari and Emily Taylor and Olritch and Skyla Donnat.Robyn Flagg, Nicole Sutto and Maria Serves were at Anthony’s for the fall gala.Ann Corcoran, Rosanna Greco, Debbie Lungo and Lois Storace are shown at the annual gala supporting the Cheverus Catholic School.The Cheverus Gala Committee, from left: Mary Beth Leon, Phyllis Morrison, Jeff Lane, Thomas P. Arria Jr., Meg DeMarco, Heath Gunderman, Diana Palacios and Angela Lee.Father Alejandro offered a blessing before the meal.Checking over the many gift baskets: Helen Gregory and Anita Lane.Checking in the guests: Diana Palacios and Meg DeMarco.