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Councillor Simonelli Hosts Valentine’s Day Seniors Dinner at Suffolk Manor


  Ward 7 City Councillor Christopher Simonelli hosted a Valentine’s Day dinner for residents of Suffolk Manor recently, providing roses, candy and Chinese cuisine donated by the Sun Kong restaurant. In attendance included guest Mayor Gary Christenson, who greeted the residents and handed out roses to all.

City Councillor Chris Simonelli is shown with Suffolk Manor residents Mr. Li and Beverly McCarthy.
Ward 7 Councillor Chris Simonelli is shown with Mr. and Mrs. Li during the Valentine’s Day event.
Councillor Chris Simonelli is shown offering fruit and candy to one of the Manor residents.
Mayor Christenson, Councillor Simonelli, Jason Law and Lori Lee.
Councillor Christenson is shown with Diane Langston and her family.
Mayor Gary Christenson hands out roses to the residents.
Councillor Chris Simonelli is shown handing out treats to the residents at Suffolk Manor.
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY: Pictured at the Valentine’s Day Dinner at Suffolk Manor, from left; Ha Tăng, Sun Kong owner Fan Huang, Ward 7 Councillor Chris Simonelli, Jason Law, Sun Kong owner Jimmy Zhang and Kevin Shapleigh.

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