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Girl Scout Troop 71131 joins city officials at Fellsmere Pond spring cleaning

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  Members of Girl Scout Troop 71131 joined Councillor Amanda Linehan to clean up Fellsmere Pond on Saturday morning. Mayor Gary Christenson and State Representative Paul Donato joined in on the effort.

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Shown from left to right: Mayor Gary Christenson, Ward 3 resident Renee Saini and Ward 3 Councillor Amanda Linehan during Saturday’s Fellsmere Pond clean-up.
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Ward 3 Councillor Amanda Linehan and State Representative Paul Donato
Kyle Jackson-Mead, 9, with Girl Scout Amelie Madeline Paquet used a picker to clean up trash.
Mayor Gary Christenson picked up trash along the gutter line.
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Robin, 6, and Kevin Jackson-Mead picked up cup lids along the hilly terrain.
Girl Scout Brownies Hazel Kolbe, 4, her mother Heather Kolbe, Eila Kolbe, 9, Adelaide Marshall, 8, and Addis Ko, 8, are shown during the cleanup.
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Pictured from left to right: Front row: Troop 71131 Girl Scouts Georgia Linehan, Taylor Jackson, Shrinidhi Rangasamy, Charlotte Taylor, Amelie Paquet and Adelaide Marshall; standing: Ward 3 resident Renee Saini, Mayor Gary Christenson, Ward 3 Councillor Amanda Linehan and Eila Kolbe.

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