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Greater Malden Behavioral Health Inc. hosts 7th Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Elder Appreciation Breakfast

Birthday Boy-2

  Greater Malden Behavioral Health Inc. hosted its 7th annual pre-Thanksgiving elder appreciation breakfast at the Housing Authority Senior Building on Tuesday.

Residents enjoyed a breakfast.
Served Food-2
Resident Ruthann Ferinato was served food by Greater Malden Behavioral Health Center Clinician Christine Farragher during Tuesday’s 7th annual Elder Appreciation Breakfast at the Housing Authority Senior Building.
Mystic Valley Elder Services CEO Lisa Grugone, Ward 6 Councillor Stephen Winslow, Greater Malden Behavioral Health Center COO Ishman Williams, Housing Authority Executive Director Steven Finn, United States District Attorney Rachael Rollins, Mayor Gary Christenson, Greater Malden Behavioral Health volunteer David Eastmond and Senator Jason Lewis’ legislative aide Sarah Zeiberg.
Resident Heidi Mullen was pictured with Mayor Gary Christenson and Ward 6 Councillor Stephen Winslow.
Greater Malden-2
Far left: Resident Haywood Fennell and Greater Malden Behavioral Health Center CEO Todd Payton joined in.

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