The SIXTH Medford Community Chorale and Youth/Young Adult “virtual choir video”, “Sing!” is ready!
(Please see link):
The video – as well as all of the group’s previous videos – is available on YouTube (“Sing! Presented by the Medford Community Chorale”); on their website (; and on the group’s Facebook page (Medford Community Chorale).
The adult chorale welcomed 2 new video participants this time – including one member who participated from Lansing, Michigan – and the youth/young adult chorus welcomed 1 new participant!
Director Betsy Pesce hopes that those who participated enjoyed their experience, and says that once again, while this project has been a lot of work, it has also continued to be a wonderful and fun learning experience for all concerned. Betsy would like, once again, to extend her heartfelt appreciation to Julie Kelleher, technical director; Dr. Holly Zagaria, accompanist; Salvo Gaglio, trumpeter; Jonathan Hess, drummer; the youth chorus parents, the group’s generous sponsors, and to all of the wonderful singers for all of their effort and their hard work.
The chorale just recently received approval from the Medford Community Schools office to resume in person rehearsals in September (Wednesday, September 8th) and would like to extend an invitation to ANY adult or youth singer who would like to do so to join them!
If you and/or your child/children would like to participate – and the group hopes you will! – Please contact Betsy Pesce, Director, at, or at 617-335-8155 as soon as possible for more information.
Previous Medford Community Chorale & Youth/Young Adult videos:
“The Sound of Music”:
“I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing”:
“Lift Every Voice and Sing!”:
“Do Re Mi”:
“Thank You for the Music”: