Local city and state officials, including civic organization members, celebrated Flag Day at Bell Rock Memorial Park on Tuesday night.
Audience members Laurie Josefowitch and Paula and Elyse Valente waved American flags in the wind.Ward 1 Councillor Peg Crowe thanked city organizations for making the Flag Day possible.Veterans’ Services Officer Kevin Jarvis said placing 10,000 flags on veterans’ graves for Memorial Day was a labor of love.State Representative Paul Donato stated that a veteran’s flag is carefully folded when he or she passes away.Highrock Malden Church Pastor Edwin Menon prayed for the country.During Tuesday’s Flag Day celebration at Bell Rock Memorial Park, Mayor Gary Christenson said the American flag flies proudly in the city.American Legion Commander Barry Donovan told the audience members what the flag used to look like.Veterans’ Services Officer Kevin Jarvis and American Legion Commander Barry Johnson held the American flag.State and local officials were present. Pictured from left to right: State Representative Steven Ultrino, Councillor-at-Large Karen Colón-Hayes, State Representative Paul Donato, Ward 1 Councillor Peg Crowe, Mayor Gary Christenson, Ward 1 School Committee Member Michael Drummey, Ward 2 School Committee Member Rob McCarthy, Ward 5 Councillor Barbara Murphy, American Legion Post Commander Barry Donovan, Councillor-at-Large Carey McDonald, Veterans’ Services Officer Kevin Jarvis and Highrock Malden Church Pastor Edwin Menon.Malden Girl Scout Troop 71117 Scout Sophie Grover spoke about what the flag’s colors symbolize.Malden High School student Jacir Stantos played a flute.An American flag, which was displayed on a fire engine, waved in the wind.Members of the Fire Department Honor Guard – Firefighter John Warner (at left) and Lt. Francis Healy – stood at attention. Not pictured but present in the Honor Guard: Captain Eric Truesdale and Lt. Nicholas Hooper.Members of the Malden High School Choral Arts Society performed patriotic songs.Lucas Williams, Brian Vences, Gabriella Illedobe, Leilah St. Fort and Julie Deng performed in the Malden High School Choral Arts Society.Malden Boy Scout Troop 603 Bear Scout Anurag Sagar carried the American flag.Boy Scout Troop 603 Scout Anand Swaroop (at left), Bear Scout Anurag Sagar and Second Class Scout Steven Lawrence folded the American flag.Malden High School students: Shai Cohen on trumpet and Marianne Rivadeneira on clarinet.Announcer/Malden Boy Scout Troop 603 First Class Scout James Gage read what the flag’s colors symbolize.