Upcoming awards event in Hollywood
Malden resident Sarah Morrison is a winner in the L. Ron Hubbard Illustrators of the Future Contest – earning her a trip to Hollywood and a week-long master-class workshop – and her winning art will be published in the international bestselling anthology “L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume 39.”
Sarah Morrison is a fantasy illustrator and portrait artist. Working primarily with oil paint, she focuses on figurative works designed to inspire narrative, with attention towards faces and fabric. Escapism through fantasy has always been a central theme to her art, and she embraces whimsy and enigmatic details. Her imagery is designed to inspire a sense of wonder, encouraging viewers to develop stories about what might be going on in each piece. Sarah also occasionally works with printmaking techniques and textiles. Born in Canada, she currently resides just outside of Boston with her husband, new baby and cat.
The two L. Ron Hubbard Contests – the Writers of the Future Contest and Illustrators of the Future Contest – are some of the most prestigious writing and illustrating competitions in the world and are currently in their 39th year and are judged by some of the premier names in speculative fiction.
Following the 1982 release of his internationally acclaimed bestselling science fiction novel “Battlefield Earth,” which was written in celebration of 50 years as a professional writer, L. Ron Hubbard created the Writers of the Future (writersofthefuture.com) in 1983 to provide a means for aspiring writers of speculative fiction to get that much-needed break. Due to the success of the Writers of the Future Contest, the companion Illustrators of the Future Contest was inaugurated five years later.
The 452 past winners of the Writing Contest have published 1,150 novels and nearly 4,500 short stories. They have produced 32 New York Times bestsellers, and their works have sold over 60 million copies.
The Writers and Illustrators of the Future Award is the genre’s most prestigious award of its kind and has now become the largest, most successful and demonstrably most influential vehicle for budding creative talent in the world of contemporary fiction. Since inception, the Writers and Illustrators of the Future contests have produced 38 anthology volumes and awarded over $1,000,000 cumulatively in prize monies and royalties.

Fantasy Illustrator and Portrait Artist