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Touring Malden’s Ferryway School

Superintendent Noriega-Murphy-2

  St Patrick’s Day tour of Malden’s Ferryway School had some surprises and interesting encounters. My first tour of the school. I just know it’s going to be a good day, when a charming young student walks by me in a line, that’s going back to class, and he asks me if I’m running to be the next President!

  Student: “Are you running for president?”

  Myself: “Are you going to vote for me?”

  Students: “Yes!”

  Myself: “Bonus points! Thank you!”

  Maybe it was my green tie, because another student asked me if I was her President. I smiled and did a presidential wave.

  The positive friendly atmosphere from our inspiring students is infectious and heartwarming. At least a couple of students blindsided me with hugs, when I wasn’t looking. Maybe they thought I was a leprechaun in a green tie?

  Throughout the building, as we toured, I witnessed the hard work and dedication, that the talented teaching staff has been putting into making the Ferryway school a go-to destination within Malden.

  It wasn’t all fun and games. I was briefed on the extensive maintenance and upgrades being scheduled for the summer 2023 break. The director of maintenance updated me on the trouble spot of the technology closet and how they are working to ensure that that central hub of telephone and technology in the building is going to be kept cooled down and operational for the school’s benefit. There’s a hefty price tag for repair and upgrades to HVAC equipment in our school buildings, but it is worth it.

  I was there nearly ten years back, when we parents forced repairs to the Linden school roof to deter water leaks. Learning that the Ferryway school was built using the same structural design as the Linden and was also suffering from leaks, was eye opening news. I’ll be keeping an eye out to understand the progress of any roof repairs, that may be happening this coming off-season at the Ferryway school.

  In this day of technology, I was fascinated by the library in the school. The extensive library resources were engaging for the eager young minds as they got their hands on all manner of books to read.

  One of the classrooms today got a mini-lecture from me on the importance of learning the various world mythologies as they were learning about Greek mythology. I lectured so that they can think about the same background as I did in mythology. When they looked puzzled, I asked them who was the most popular mythological character right now. They answered correctly, that it was Thor. It may not be Greek mythology, but they finally understood that to understand some of the things happening and being talked about in modern society, a well-rounded background in Greek, Roman, Norse, Indian, South American, African and Asian mythologies can be helpful. When they inquired why, I explained that it helped me understand comics and play video games, when I was younger. That’s really when the lightbulbs went on. Study hard. Use the classroom knowledge. Play hard.

  Of course it wouldn’t be a fun trip without dodge ball in the Ferryway gym. I couldn’t play with the students, but at least I worked defense near the edge to deflect any stray balls ricocheting towards our superintendent’s back.

  From the morning Pledge of Allegiance to the final bell to go home, we have a very robust and wonderful school here at the Ferryway in Malden.


Joseph Gray

Ward 6 School Committee Member

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Ward 6 School Committee Member Joseph Gray meets with Superintendent Noriega-Murphy and some of the talented teaching staff of Malden’s Ferryway School.
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Malden Superintendent Ligia Noriega-Murphy and Ward 6 School Committee Member Joseph Gray

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