On Monday, May 16 at 6:30 p.m., the Winthrop Republican Town Committee (WRTC) is hosting an hour with State Senator Lydia Edwards, whose First Suffolk and Middlesex District includes Revere. This one-hour event is a perfect opportunity for the community and those individuals who feel their voices are not being heard in the “one party” state of Massachusetts. Help Senator Edwards know what issues are important to you or respectfully comment on important current topics. The WRTC encourages residents to take advantage of this opportunity for respectful dialogue which will take place at the Winthrop Senior Center (35 Harvard St.).
- Due to capacity constraints free admission to this May 16 event must be obtained by registering on Facebook at the “Winthrop Republican Town Committee” Facebook account or by emailing winthroprtc@gmail.com.
· Comments or questions for Senator Edwards should be submitted to the “Winthrop Republican Town Committee” Facebook account or by emailing winthroprtc@gmail.com. This will permit as many questions from the community as time permits.