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Artists begin sculpting for this weekend’s International Sand Sculpting Festival

Sand sculptors from the world over began working on the centerpiece on Monday in preparation for this weekend’s 18th Annual International Sand Sculpting Festival along Revere Beach. The event is expected to draw more than one million visitors.

Saugus resident Deb Barrett-Cutulle worked on the Revere Beach International Sand Sculpting Festival “Wonders of the World” main attraction on Monday.
Deb Barrett-Cutulle sculpts lines.
Hailing from Canada, Melineige Beauregard formed the Colosseum, an oval amphitheater in Italy.
California resident Morgan Rudluff shoveled to make way for a divide for the Great Wall of China.
Hailing from the Netherlands, Bouke Atema designed the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy.
Hailing from Belgium, Hanneke Supply worked on Petra in Jordan, one of the seven wonders of the world.
Hailing from Florida, Andrew Daily carved 1915 in Revere’s city seal – the year that Revere was chartered as a city.
New Hampshire resident Greg Grady Jr. formed an ice cream sculpture.
New Jersey resident Matt Deibert prepared for his artwork.
Florida resident Bruce Peck measured with a ruler before sculpting sponsor 500 Ocean Ave.
On Monday afternoon 500 Ocean Avenue was complete.
HYM was the sponsor for the Suffolk Downs site.
Preparation was well underway on Monday, despite the rain. Saugus resident Deb Barrett-Cutulle and Florida resident Bruce Peck worked on the centerpiece.

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