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Chloe Gladu is September 2022’s Public Servant of the Month

Chloe Gladu

  When the Mayor’s Office reached out to department heads about “stand-out” interns this summer, almost immediately three department heads suggested Chloe Gladu for Public Servant of the Month. Working as a paralegal in the Solicitor’s Office, as well as being co-chair of the Revere Cultural Council, Chloe is an exemplary example of giving back to her community. Her help this summer in the Solicitor’s Office and the Cultural Council – on-top of her full-time position as a teacher – makes Chloe a clear choice for this month’s Public Servant of the Month.

  Q: What do you do in the City of Revere?

  A: I am currently a paralegal in the Solicitor’s Office at City Hall in the City of Revere. A paralegal role in Revere City Hall entails answering citizens’ claims against the city and assisting multiple attorneys. I am also the Co-Chair of the Revere Cultural Council. The Revere Cultural Council seeks to collaborate with local and neighboring organizations on programs which will elevate Revere’s diverse, extensive heritage and cultural background through grant funding opportunities. I work to assure all citizens of Revere know about the funding and how to apply through my work in social media.

  Q: What does Revere mean to you?

  A: The City of Revere means a new beginning for me since I moved to Revere just a little over a year ago. I am so fortunate to have been granted many opportunities to better myself and give back to others. Revere gave me a space to grow as a professional and become more knowledgeable about my career path, and I am thankful for that.

  Q: Why did you want to work at Revere City Hall this summer?

  A: My career experience has been focused on helping students and their parents negotiate the educational environment to best meet their specific learning needs. I hope to pivot my career from education into law so that I can have a greater impact in this way and obtained a summer internship at Revere City Hall to expand my understanding of the legal field.

  Q: If you could give future interns a piece of advice before they start at City Hall, what would it be?

  A: My best piece of advice for future interns working at City Hall would be to not be afraid to ask questions. You are surrounded by incredibly intelligent and hardworking people who are here to help you.

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