While many elected officials are looking at roadways to figure out the best type of repairs and improvements for residents, Ward 6 Councillor Richard Serino is looking at the skies.
Serino filed a motion this week to ask the city solicitor to look into an ordinance for Revere regulating the use of drones in the city. Serino explained that a resident had given him some information about drones in Texas and California and Amazon drone deliveries. Although drone flights are regulated by the state and federally by the Federal Aviation Administration, Serino wanted to investigate whether there was something the city could do through zoning to regulate drone use.
“I want to get ahead of this,” said Serino. “I just want to ask the city solicitor what we can and can’t do.”
Serino stressed that he is not pro or anti drone – he just wants to be ready should problems arise.
Councillor-at-Large Dan Rizzo agreed and said it is a good idea to get ahead of a potential problem. “We have two enormous Amazon distribution facilities. Do you know how many packages are delivered in Revere? We’re going to look like Ukraine when these drones start flying around,” said Rizzo. “I think we need to be proactive rather than reactive.”
Ward 4 Councillor/City Council President Patrick Keefe said Revere already has some tight regulations for drones because the city is in the flight path. There are parts of the city where photographers can’t use drones because of those regulations.