“I think serving in city government is one of the highest privileges”
Urging residents to show kindness and stating that he didn’t want to run for office if his heart was not 1,000 percent in it, Ward 3 City Councillor Arthur Guinasso announced that he will not be running for reelection. Guinasso made the announcement at the beginning of last Monday night’s City Council meeting.
“Over the past several months, I have been thinking about what my intentions are for reelection in this current campaign,” said Guinasso. “I’ve been encouraged by so many people throughout the city, encouraged by family members, and I’ve been asked by members of this council, and I am so proud that you have asked me to join you again. I’ve taken all this into consideration; I’ve served the people of Revere in some capacity for over 40 years, 34 years of those being a Ward 3 councillor, never being defeated in that endeavor.” Guinasso said he took on the responsibility of representing Ward 3 with his family in mind, never thinking that it was going to be a lifetime adventure.
“What I’ve tried to do is to be as honest with everybody as I could in making a judgement,” he said. “In politics, you take sides sometimes, and sometimes it is the hardest thing in the world that you do. I certainly think that serving in city government is one of the highest privileges a person could have.”
Guinasso said he believes the councillors he has worked with past and present have worked hard with the mayoral administrations to improve the quality of life for residents. “This city of Revere is in great shape right now,” he said. “We look to other communities that aren’t doing as well as we are, so we are privileged here. We have the opportunity to serve our community, to build these units to keep our tax rate stable.”
Guinasso praised his colleagues and said he would never forget the warmth they have shown to him and his family, and he thanked the residents of Ward 3. Most importantly, he said, he thanked his family for allowing him to serve the city of Revere and for giving him good advice.
“We did surveys of how we thought we would do this year, and we thought we would do very well,” said Guinasso. “But if the candidate isn’t a thousand percent behind the effort that his friends are going to do for him, that’s not the thing to do; it’s not being fair to your friends. Having said this, I am very sad tonight, and yet I’m sort of happy … The most important thing I can offer out to each of you is to be kind to each other; it means so much to be kind to one another.”
Mayor Brian Arrigo said Guinasso will be sorely missed by the council and by his constituents in Ward 3. “For me, this is tough personally,” said Arrigo. “I grew up with Arthur; there’s a picture in my office with my dad and Arthur and a few other people. I consider him a friend and a tremendous public servant.”
Ward 4 Councillor Patrick Keefe praised his fellow city councillor and mentor, stating, “My right hand man is calling it a wrap. Since being on the council I have had the pleasure of sitting next to Councillor Guinasso – his feedback and advice are and will continue to be invaluable.”