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Raise Up Revere awards $60,000 to local organizations

First Congregational Church Food Pantry-2

  Three organizations, HarborCOV, CAPIC and the First Congregational Church Food Pantry, were awarded $20,000 each through the city’s Raise Up Revere fund last Thursday afternoon outside of First Congregational Church. The award amount wouldn’t have been possible without Amazon, which donated a generous sum.

Community Action Programs, Inter City, Inc. (CAPIC) Emergency Assistance Program Director Cary Havey accepts a $20,000 check. At left is Mayor Brian Arrigo and at right is Amazon Senior Manager Jerome Smith.
Last Thursday afternoon outside of First Congregational Church, Mayor Brian Arrigo thanked companies for their generous donations to helping people find shelter and access to healthy food.
HarborCOV Executive Director Kourou Pich accepts a check. At left is Mayor Brian Arrigo and at right is Amazon Senior Manager Jerome Smith.
First Congregational Church Food Pantry-2
First Congregational Church Food Pantry Director Wendy Baur and Pastor Timothy Senior Manager Jerome Smith.

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