The Massachusetts House of Representatives on Friday announced its committee assignments for the 2023-2024 Legislative Session. Jessica Ann Giannino (D-Revere) was appointed House Vice Chair of the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities.
“I am thankful to Speaker Mariano for appointing me to this leadership position; and to my Democratic colleagues for ratifying my nomination,” said Giannino. “I am eager to get to work and I am excited to work alongside House Chair Livingstone and my House and Senate colleagues on the committee to prioritize the welfare of those in our communities who need it the most.”
The Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities considers all matters relative to child welfare, juvenile justice, public welfare and children and adults with physical, developmental or intellectual disabilities. It is the Committee’s responsibility to oversee the Departments of Children and Families, Developmental Services, Transitional Assistance and Youth Services; the Massachusetts Commissions for the Blind and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; and the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission.
In addition, Rep. Giannino was reappointed to the following Joint Committees: Economic Development and Emerging Technologies, Election Laws, and Environment and Natural Resources.