The Revere High School Boys’ Basketball Patriots won 45-40 over the Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School Generals during Saturday’s Andrew James Lawson Foundation Invitational Tournament at the TD Garden in Boston.
Junior Domenic Boudreau takes a shot from 3-point range.Yelling in excitement immediately after their win are Co-Captain James Clauto, at left, and senior Hamza Ghoul.Revere High School cheerleaders on the sidelinesRooting for Revere: Jennifer, Jaxson and Patrick Duggan.Rivals yet friends: Revere High School Boys’ Basketball Head Coach David Leary with Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School Boys’ Basketball Head Coach Michael DiMarino.The Revere High School Lady Patriots Cheerleaders, pictured from left to right: Back row: Assistant Coach Nicole Palermo, Head Coach Kylie Mazza, Jaelynn Smith, Madison Sawyer, Samira Cammarano, Carlos Moran Hernandez, Janaya Ruperto, Amelia Murray, Mikayla Hayes and Assistant Coach Kristina Russo; middle row: Vita Somboun, Ashley Chandler, Juliana Benitez, Ava Mello, Natalie Rodriguez, Jayla Foster, Brooklynne Hilton and Rachel Sanchez; front row: Emanuelle Menezes, Jessica Villalobos, Olivia Osborne, Allen De La Rosa Polanco, Niccole Gonzalez, Isabella Correia and Janaisa Mendoza.Mayor Brian Arrigo was there to cheer on the Revere High School Patriots Basketball Team and Patriots Cheerleaders during Saturday’s Andrew James Lawson Foundation Invitational Tournament at the TD Garden in Boston. Pictured from left to right: Back row: Head Coach David Leary, Assistant Coach Robert Sullivan, Mayor Brian Arrigo, Joseph Arrigo, Assistant Coach Dennis Leary, Vincent Nichols, Ramadan Barry, Domenic Boudreau, Chris Claudio, Vinny Vu, Sal DeAngelis, Kenny Arango, Luke Ellis, Andrew Leone and Assistant Coaches Derek Anemoduris, Alex Green and John Leone; front row: Hamza Ghoul, Jack D’Ambrosio, James Clauto, Ihssan Mourouane, Alejandro Hincapie and Glen Kule.Revere High School Girls’ Basketball Lady Patriots, pictured from left to right: In front: Dianne Mancio, Bella Stamatopoulos and Lea Doucette; in back: Maressa Oliveira and Bema Velic.Revere High School fans, pictured from left to right: sitting: Elyas Khoubach, Steven Ticlayauri, Ryan Schaefer and Luca Somboun; standing: Rayane Silili, Ernesto Tellez, Ehab Hazimeh, Rido Nanushi and Anwar Marbouh.Revere High School cheering seniors, pictured from left to right: Niccole Gonzalez, Olivia Osborne, Allen De La Rosa Polanco and Isabella Correia.Members of the Middle School TeamSenior Juan Londono (far right) wished senior Hamza Ghoul good luck.Pats’ Head Coach David Leary, shown in center, addressed the Patriots in the final moments of the game.Congratulating the boys on the court are the cheerleaders.Revere High School Boys’ Basketball Head Coach David Leary coaches from the sidelines with support from Revere fans.Cheering on Revere: Cheryl Sullivan, Robert Sullivan, Danielle Sullivan and Neil Jacobson.