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‘Wreaths Across America Day’

Please join us tomorrow for the Saugus observance at Riverside Cemetery; 348 veterans will be honored


  The Parson Roby Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution extend an invitation to join us tomorrow (Saturday, December 18, 2021), at 11:45 a.m. for our noontime program in conjunction with the ‘Wreaths Across America’ dedication at the Riverside Cemetery, WWII Veterans Section.

  A color guard, members of the Saugus Veterans Council, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Saugus Garden Club, and children of the American Revolution will be joining us. A total of 348 wreaths will be placed on the graves of veterans following the ceremony.

  We are also looking for volunteers to assist with the placing of wreaths on the veterans’ graves.

  We hope you will be able to join us on this ‘Wreaths Across America Day’ honoring our veterans.


Charlotte Line,

DAR Regent

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