Saugus High will honor members of boys and girls 2021-23 Northeastern Conference title teams during championship banners unveiling Tuesday in Middle-High School gym
(Editor’s Note: Former School Committee Member Joseph “Dennis” Gould submitted the following article.)
On behalf of the Saugus School Committee Athletic Sub Committee, I am pleased to announce the ceremony to unveil the Saugus Sachem Boys and Girls Northeastern Conference Championship Banners earned since new MSHS opened 2021 through 2023 will be held at MSHS Gym on Tuesday January 23 at 6 p.m.
We are inviting all the coaches and players from the below teams and their families to please attend the event and show up at Saugus MSHS Gym by 5:45 for a 6 p.m. start.
During the ceremony, we would like to introduce the players of each championship team, so our Athletic Director Terri Pillsbury, or one of us on the subcommittee, will be reaching out to all the past and current coaches and players to invite them so we can get an accurate list of those who will attend and participate.
There will be a follow-up ceremony to unveil the historical banners for all Boys and Girls sports from 1940’s until present in two or three months. We will again invite all the coaches, players and families to attend and participate in that ceremony that coached or played on those teams. More to follow on that in a couple of months.
Conference Championship Banners 2021-23:
2021 Softball
2021 Volleyball
2022 Boys Soccer
2023 Girls Basketball
2023 Boys Basketball
2023 Softball
2023 Girls Soccer
If anyone has any questions you can call Dennis Gould (617-257-4847) or email Dennis at